Greetings! This is the personal creative site for Ziggy Dayz.
If you are here to read about The Renascence Movement, please scroll down past "About Ziggy" to "Current Projects".
If you are here to read about The Renascence Movement, please scroll down past "About Ziggy" to "Current Projects".
About Ziggy
CHANGE is within the nature of our movement toward the future. Within our perceptions of our known-self that we wear as our identity, it is the expansion of ourselves into the unknown that will help us expand our realization of who we are. Life is a journey of lessons that take us to new states of being.
While Ziggy has both self-assigned and societal-assigned labels of who he is by what he does, he prefers to focus his identity less on the things he does and more toward his greater visions for the world by which the many things he does serves. In this, he has worn many hats and has expanded his practices into many fields outside of just entertainment and art. While he was born with the intelligences of mathematics/logical and visual, he has pursued his great deficiencies in other intelligences, such as music and social intelligences, to fill in the voids with knowledge and understanding. His philosophy is that we are all capable of any type of intelligence there is. When we don't excel within certain areas like others born with the talents innate, it is simply a sign that there is a greater opportunity for growth within such areas. If the passion is in our heart to do something, we simply need patience, practice, and perseverance to expand out in ways beyond our current state of being. Who we are now is not always the same as to who we can become. |
image courtesy of studio Zee-Haven Studio
The Renascence
THE RENAISSANCE RISING: is a local LA based social scene were are pushing forward by redefining the expectations of what should be contained within the Social-Creative nightlife scenes. We'll be doing this by integrating Business-Technology into the mix so that being an artists within this day and age is a sustainable choice.This is the buildup to a mare larger movement.
THE RENASCENCE MOVEMENT is a New Renaissance Movement that unites four fronts of sustainability, while using to power of creativity to propel the inspiration needed to enact global change.
THE RENASCENCE ROCK REVIVAL is a movement-festival launching in South Africa in 2023 that is intended to be the launch pad for setting the sustainability standards for the movement. Once the metaphorical rocket that is the movement is ignited, it is designed to be a self-propitiating momentum of creativity driven change uniting existing movement toward a common cause. We are merely setting the trajectory for something far greater than us.
Here's a brief video introduction to the festival and movement:
THE RENASCENCE MOVEMENT is a New Renaissance Movement that unites four fronts of sustainability, while using to power of creativity to propel the inspiration needed to enact global change.
THE RENASCENCE ROCK REVIVAL is a movement-festival launching in South Africa in 2023 that is intended to be the launch pad for setting the sustainability standards for the movement. Once the metaphorical rocket that is the movement is ignited, it is designed to be a self-propitiating momentum of creativity driven change uniting existing movement toward a common cause. We are merely setting the trajectory for something far greater than us.
Here's a brief video introduction to the festival and movement:
TO READ the finer details regarding this New Renaissance please visit The Global Vision Site: Puzzling Clockz
The official movement site is schedule for a grand launch in 2023.
The official movement site is schedule for a grand launch in 2023.
internet TV
Prototype for a variety show intertwining art, entertainment, and consciousness.
The show is intended to elevate expectations and awaken potential of what is possible within a show.
The unifying core vision is the launching of an abundant sustainable Renaissance scene.
The show will promote arts, enlightenment, and equality based metrics for economic development.
internet TV
Prototype for a variety show intertwining art, entertainment, and consciousness.
The show is intended to elevate expectations and awaken potential of what is possible within a show.
The unifying core vision is the launching of an abundant sustainable Renaissance scene.
The show will promote arts, enlightenment, and equality based metrics for economic development.
A completed novel integrating multiple themes and genres with a foundation of psychological fantasy/ urban fantasy. The book deals with many aspects of mental and emotional health woven into potent metaphoric visual scenes that focus on the awakening of consciousness.
A completed novel integrating multiple themes and genres with a foundation of psychological fantasy/ urban fantasy. The book deals with many aspects of mental and emotional health woven into potent metaphoric visual scenes that focus on the awakening of consciousness.
A fantasy-thriller screenplay integrating visions of a new utopian renaissance, with traces of the last great renaissance. The theme of masks (that we hide within) is in alignment to our current world consciousness deeply imprinted with this theme of masks. The script aligns with the new demand for change and hope for a better future.
A fantasy-thriller screenplay integrating visions of a new utopian renaissance, with traces of the last great renaissance. The theme of masks (that we hide within) is in alignment to our current world consciousness deeply imprinted with this theme of masks. The script aligns with the new demand for change and hope for a better future.
Let's connect...
Seeking: Agents, publishers, investors, philanthropists, and sincere souls with authentic intent.
Night divides Z-Dayz...